In a world often bustling with noise and distractions, we believe in creating a haven where children can find solace, understanding, and the tools to navigate life's challenges with resilience and grace. At 'Bear in Mind' we're dedicated to nurturing the emotional well-being of children through mindfulness programs, empowering them to manage stress and anxiety with confidence. Our holistic and educational approach encompasses a variety of programs and workshops tailored to the unique needs of young souls.
Fiona & Rachel
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Mindfulness can have profound benefits on children's mental health, providing tools to manage emotions and build resilience.
According to the World Health Organization, 10-20% of children and adolescents worldwide experience mental health conditions, with half of all mental health conditions starting by age 14.
Mental health issues can significantly affect children's daily functioning, leading to poor academic performance, strained family relationships, and difficulty forming friendships.
Research published in *School Psychology Quarterly* found that mindfulness practices can improve emotional regulation in children, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
At ‘Bear in Mind’, we believe mindfulness offers a promising approach, equipping children with the tools to manage their emotions, enhance their cognitive and social skills, and improve their overall well-being. Integrating mindfulness into educational settings can provide children with lifelong benefits, fostering resilience and helping them navigate the challenges of life with greater ease and confidence.
“I learnt how to bring myself back to the present moment”
“I learnt how to be mindful and how to be calm. I love peaceful kids I'll give it a 10 out of 10”
“I learnt about how 3 different parts of the brain works. It helped me calm down when I started to panic”
"I learnt a lot of different ways to meditate. I also learnt about my brain. I could even do the minfulness at home"
" I learnt about how to control my emotions. It helped me to feel grateful for everything around me"
" I learnt to be mindful and lots of types of breathing. It taught me to be positive and help me to be mindful."
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