Upcoming Programs

View all of our upcoming programs below.

Book Club

Every Saturday Morning for Term One starting February 8th 2025

Waverley Library


Book Now

Peaceful Parents Program

Waverly Library

Tuesday evening starting the 25th of February and finishing the 18th of March. Every Tuesday evening for 4 weeks.


$400 each

Book Now

Peaceful Kids 7-10 year olds

 Starting Wednesday February 19th and finishing Wednesday 9th of April.

Every Wednesday for 8 weeks.

4:50-5:50pm for 7-10 year olds

Book Now Private Session

Peaceful Kids 11-13 year olds

Starting Wednesday February 19th and finishing Wednesday 9th of April.

Every Wednesday for 8 weeks.

6-7pm for 11-13 year olds

Book Now Private Session

Peaceful Kids 4-6 year olds

Starting Wednesday February 19th and finishing Wednesday 9th of April.

Every Wednesday for 8 weeks.

4-4:55pm 4-6 year olds 

Book Now Private Session

Peaceful Kids 7-10 year olds

Starting Saturday February 22nd and finishing the 12th of April. Every Saturday for 8 weeks.

11am-12pm 7-10year olds

Book Now Private Session

Peaceful Kids 11-13 year olds

Starting Saturday February 22nd and finishing the 12th of April. Every Saturday for 8 weeks.

12-1pm 11-13year olds

Book Now Private Session

Online Mindful Sessions

 $15 per child.

Every Sunday morning.


All ages welcome.

Book Now
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